Latest News
March 2023
New Space College For Newark
Newark College is to go ahead with it's new planned new Space Institute building. Construction will take place on the former cattle market site.
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It is intended that the new institute will provide a unique opportunity for school leavers aged 16-18 to train for pilot, engineer and ground-crew roles in airlines, the military, airports and logistics companies across the UK and abroad.
The new three-storey building, which is due to complete at the end of 2023, will be only the second of this type of... -
Happy International Women's Day
Happy International Women's Day to Kerry who works really hard to keep our officer running smoothly. Her accounting experience is always proving invaluable and boy can she type up a quote quick!
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1000 Affordable New Homes
Nottingham City Council says it will meet it target to build 1000 new affordable homes. This will be achieved by building new homes but also by acquiring existing properties and change of use of some buildings.
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The council has been converting empty spaces above council owned shops into flats as well as buying properties from the private sector.
Housing Associations have also built or in the process of building around 250 new affordable homes.
It is a start but more are needed for sure.
Flooding in Chilwell continues
The burst water mains in Chilwell is still ongoing as of this morning. Contractors to Seven Trent damaged the mains causing the heavy flooding to properties. Repairs are going to take sometime and tankers have been brought in to pump water away from the effected area.
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Local residents and businesses have been praised for helping. Some literally have been brushing away water from properties whilst others have provided food and drinks to those effected and those working on the emergency.... January 2023
Council Thinks Again About The Future Of Our Libaries
Revised proposals to transform local library services and achieve savings for the City Council are being recommended for approval by the authority’s Executive Board.
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Initial plans involved among other things is the closure of three libraries, with Aspley’s being turned into a distribution hub for the library service.
However, some savings have already been achieved through a staffing restructure in the libraries service, meaning only £79,000 of savings were needed from the original £233,00... -
New Use For Your Kebab Carton
Waste materials, including egg trays and plastic takeaway lunch box lids, can be used to insulate homes in hot arid regions to considerably improve their energy efficiency, a new study shows.
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A range of tests took place in Cairo, Egypt, where the materials are commonly available for free, with more than 23 per cent of the city’s waste being made up of paper, cardboard and plastic.
The study – which involved practical experiments with the support of local tradespeople – shows a sustainable... -
Mansfield Jeweller Closes Doors For Good
Renowned jeweller Martin Wilkinson is to close for good after trading in the town for almost 230 years.
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A glittering closing down sale will start at 10am on 3rd December in Mansfield, with all jewellery reduced by 50%, including diamond rings, coloured stone pieces, gold, and silver jewellery.
Independent jewellers Martin Wilkinson, owned by Andrew Campin has a rich history dating back to 1794.
Originally named Coral, in the late 1800s jeweller Martin Wilkinson purchased the store and changed... -
Tower Block Development Goes Back To The Drawing Board
The developers of three tower blocks in Nottingham have made “significant changes” to the plans after councillors sent them back to the drawing board over concerns about the design.
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A 22-storey tower, housing 163 apartments, and two smaller blocks had been proposed on the site of a number of industrial units at the junction of Queen’s Road and London Road.
However concerned councillors stopped the plans in their tracks at a Nottingham City Council planning meeting in October.
They said ina...