Latest News
September 2023
What A Busy Summer Again
Another busy summer period comes to an end and it was good for Big Red Movers Nottingham.
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As usual we have been moving families and businesses all over the UK this summer.
We have started working with some new companies on a regular basis providing transport, storage and our expertise to work together helping to grow all our businesses. We have especially enjoyed working in the festival environment, such a true summer fun industry!
We added a flat bed car transporter to the fleet which has mov... April 2023
Are your pets safe in your own home?
Warning reading the list below may stop you filling your home with your favourite scents! You may not be aware, but there are many popular flowers that are actually quite poisonous to our favourite pets.
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If you have cats, one plant you should never have in your house is lily, even in bouquets. Lilies can cause irreversible kidney failure. Even a few grains of pollen or drinking water from a vase that contains lilies can be fatal for your cat. Lilies are not toxic to dogs.
The entir... -
Outdoors Is Best!
Being outdoors makes you healthier and happier
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Whilst we are outside the fresh air and the warmth from the sun helps us mentally and physically. Being outside improves our moods and reduces a lot of stress from our minds. Recent research also suggests walking in woodlands and forest is the best place to be outdoors as exposure to forests strengthens our immune system, reduces blood pressure, increases energy, boosts our mood, and helps us regain and maintain our focus in ways that treeless envir... -
No More Smart Motorways
New smart motorways to be removed from government road-building plans due to financial pressures and lack of confidence felt by drivers.
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The government and National Highways continue to invest £900 million in further safety improvements on existing smart motorways.
This includes progressing plans on installing 150 extra emergency areas across the network in line with the commitments made in response to the Transport Select Committee, as well as further improving the performance of stopped veh... March 2023
Bank Of England Raises Rates Again
The bank Of England has raised interest rates by 0.25% again. Bad news for mortgage holders like yours truly. Another blow to first time buyers in Nottingham who may be told they cannot a mortgage, but keep paying that rent on your Nottingham home that is actually £500 a month more than the repayment you would of been making on a mortgage on a house in Nottingham.
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Crazy! -
Nottingham Castle To Re-open in May
Nottingham Castle will reopen this coming May with hopefully more sensibly priced entrance fees and once inside a less costly experience on the wallet.
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There are also plans to live stream the King's coronation from the site also.
Campaign For New Roads In Nottingham To Be Named After Fallen Heroes
Two new residential streets in Ashfield could be named after local soldiers who died in Afghanistan if a proposal is approved by the district council.
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It will focus on two local soldiers – Rifleman Adrian Sheldon and Private Paul Sandford – who both died in the conflict and were born in the district.
Rifleman Sheldon, 25, from Kirkby, was killed in May 2009, while Private Sandford, from Hucknall, died in June 2007 aged 23.
If supported, the authority would name streets after both men in a ne... -
\\work on The New Bus Station For Bulwell Continues
Work began on Monday 16 January on an ambitious project to replace the existing Bulwell Bus Station with a brand new and improved version.
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Thanks to Transforming Cities funding that Nottingham City Council bid for and secured from the central Government, the new bus station at Bulwell will make travelling by public transport even easier.
The scheme will have several benefits:
•	Safer, energy efficient passenger waiting facilities
•	Improved accessibility for wheelchairs
•	Multiple seatin...