New Space College For Newark
Newark College is to go ahead with it's new planned new Space Institute building. Construction will take place on the former cattle market site.
It is intended that the new institute will provide a unique opportunity for school leavers aged 16-18 to train for pilot, engineer and ground-crew roles in airlines, the military, airports and logistics companies across the UK and abroad.
The new three-storey building, which is due to complete at the end of 2023, will be only the second of this type of college building to be built in the UK and will provide world-class training for the air and space industry, accommodating a full-sized Airbus A318 for hands-on teaching experience, alongside a double height entrance hall, large open space hangar, flight simulator, teaching zones and lecture and seminar areas for students and staff. The scheme will be finished off with a combination of soft and hard landscaping works.
G F Tomlinson will be the main contractor.